Self portrait
I am Matthew Owen Williams. I grew up in North-West Florida. I went to college, married, had a lawn service, enlisted in the Army went from being a Chaplain Assistant to a Chaplain Candidate and later a Chaplain. I was hurt in Afghanistan. After a tour of duty to Iraq, I was medically retired. Overmedicated (think 80mg of Paxil a day -the Paxil people say no more than 50) and finally free of all that thanks to some different doctors, the support of my wife and friends. I decided to stop mucking around and do something positive with my life.
I had to do something. My Tribe (veterans) were/are dying to suicide at an alarming rate. I picked up a guitar wrote songs and made a difference. I toured a bit, sold my house, lived on the road (160,000 + miles) with my wife and two dogs and told my story. Started Vet Church. And became obsessed with the power of creativity and how therapeutic art is. I have been diagnosed with PTSD and some days are better than others. ART helps me. Then covid hit.
Lived in a camper in a friend’s backyard for a time. Watched America become a Nation Divided. Decided to continue to love people more and more. Specifically making a conscious effort to remain connected with those who don’t think exactly like I do. Time and lockdown continued. My wife went back to work, after all she is a health care professional. We found an actual house in which to live (you can only stay so long in someone else’s back yard.) I took some time studying art, specifically painting. I began to realize that I had talent, the work ethic, and the courage to paint.
Life is full of the the type of art that screams, “Legacy, Change, Beauty, Uniqueness and Creativity!” Many Artists create to capture this or that. I am not capturing anything. I am portraying the wild passion of the Spirit and the Soul. I am freeing up space for the imagination to submerge itself in color and possibility. I am moving the brush with the intent to discover the possibility of creativity. I believe in creativity. Believe with me.